Such refreshing advice! I would also add, as someone who has always had a lot of close guy friends (including some roommates) - there are so many unhelpful cultural narratives around the idea that guys and girls can't "just be friends". I used to *deeply* resent constantly being told that I would one day, inevitably, fall in love with one of my close guy friends. It was like my friendships with them were somehow invalid or dishonest. Like they could only be *real* once a sexual or emotional line was crossed. Even though they were -and are! - some of the most meaningful and deep friendships of my life.

I'd like to think that my friendship has made these guys better, more well rounded and empathetic humans/boyfriends/husbands/partners - and vice versa! Could the same be true for your boyfriend?

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Maybe if/when u get engaged, he can casually/kinda light heartedly say “well I can’t be your “babe” anymore and see if that changes anything

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I like this idea. Or a third choice: You can always start calling her babe. But this could be seen as an act of aggression. She shouldn't however, because I think she calling him BABE is also a form passive-aggressiveness.

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Love this!! Especially the last line hehe...everyone is babe!! <3

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Love this advice and your approach to it! I had a similar situation but flipped, my ex called his friends babe/boo/baby. But it started almost a year into the relationship, (or so the first time i’ve heard it happen in front of me). I wish I had been more inquisitive of why it upset me rather than making a scene!

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Fabulous! Hahahaha I love this and I’m going to adopt it for myself in my own situations! Great advice!

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